Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Vacation Eve

YAYS! It's Vacation Eve! Tomarro my mom and I are going to go on vacation! WOO WHO!
I SO can't wait! I have probably got half of my dresser packed. xD Which by the looks of it isn't much.
It looks like my cats wants to join us. He is sleeping in my suitcase right now. It's SO cute!

Byes! ^^


Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I'm so bored it's not even funny. There is no excitment around here anymore..... So i am randomly posting for something to do. Beware. I am going to say random stuff that happened today. I'm watching That 70's Show. It's funny. :D My friend, Sarah, came to visit and had dinner with us....Well i guess that's all...... Well I'm going to my sister's house in TWO days!!! EEP! Tomarro is what I call 'Vacation Eve'. Funny. Well.......bye........

~KellyAnn, the extremely bored random person.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Ok. So this is like REALLY old news but my mom saw this sign at a coffee shop and it said:

Unattended children will be given an Expresso and a puppy.

I LOVED it! xD Hilarious!

First Post

Hihi! I'm KellyAnn! This is my first post on my blog! Yays! Beware! I am a very random person.
I suck at blogs. My sister, Kirtsen, is GREAT at them though! Her blog is called Anderblog. Check it out! It's seriously cool!>>>

I love reading her blog. It's pretty funny. On the 3rd of July I'm going to be in Rhode Island! WOO WHOO!!!!!!! I'll be back in California on the 23rd. I can't wait to see my sister and nephew!! It's going to be AWESOME!

~KellyAnn, the very random person.